Why Is There A Bulge On My Tire And What Can I Do About It?

Your tires are one of the most important parts of your car, and you should inspect them monthly to check for signs of wear or other problems. A bulge anywhere on your tire is a sign of damage, and it should be taken seriously. Bulges indicate structural weakness in the tire, and your tire can burst if you continue to drive on it without fixing the problem. What Causes a Bulge? [Read More]

Cleaning Up: Selling Your Junk Cars For Cash And Contentment

Do you have a backyard that's decorated with every old car you ever owned? If so, you might be surprised at how much this negatively impacts your property value and the values of surrounding homes. Not only this, but properties that contain excesses of yard clutter such as junk cars, overflowing sheds and porches, or other debris are not only unsightly -- they often present safety hazards as well. A child could accidentally lock themselves in a car trunk, or a family of rats could take up residence under a pile of clutter. [Read More]

Did The Mechanic Do A Good Job After Repairs?

Getting car repairs of any kind is a test of trust between the auto technician and the customer since so many things can go wrong. Although there are some things that may never be the same after certain types of car failure, you need to at least be sure of a car's general working order. After receiving a car from the mechanic, be sure to put the system through its paces with a few inspection points in mind. [Read More]

Did My Body Shop Do A Good Job? 3 Ways To Tell

If your car has been in an accident, one of your biggest concerns will be if the repair work will look flawless as if the car was never in an accident. Here are some ways to tell if the repair shop did a good job repairing your car. 1. Check That All Panels Are Aligned Properly Take an initial visual inspection of your car and look at all the different panels for the doors, sides, front end, and back end if your car. [Read More]